Top Ten Internet and Social Media Tips for Small Businesses

Slide1I recently gave a presentation to a group of small business owners from the NEW (Network of Entrepreneurial Women) group.  I created the graphic above to correspond to the “Top Ten Internet and Social Media Tips for Small Businesses”.  Because some women in the group were just starting out and some were already further along in their marketing programs I decided the best way to provide value to the whole group was to think through the most common mistakes I see with my own set of clients. So, here it is…. The Top Ten

Top 10 Reasons Why We Use WordPress?

wordpressOver 90% of our clients are now on the WordPress website platform. I have encouraged all my clients over the last several years to move to WordPress.  It is a dynamic, user friendly system that puts control back into the hands of the clients.  I have clients that can manage their own websites updates after we built the initial website and trained them on how to make updates.  Obviously we are always here to handle the updates for clients that don’t want to be DIY pioneers, but our clients are thrilled to