Small Businesses Should be Using Google My Business

Small Business Should be Using Google My Business

The biggest small business tip I give every client and prospective client when it comes to small business marketing is to claim, verify and populate all your business information on Google My Business (GMB). Google is asking for your business information and will give you a business account for free that allows you to give out information to audiences that are looking to find your products and services online.

Here are 6 reasons why small businesses should use Google My Business:

  1. It is FREE and who doesn’t love free tools to enhance your brand, products, and services?
  2. Google

60 Free Online Courses

Free Online CoursesFree online courses are now available for the DIY entrepreneur. and it is always hard to pass up FREE! Hubspot just published a comprehensive list of the 60 Best Free Online Courses and most of them are about marketing. We wanted to share on the Go Fetch Marketing blog for all our visitors. Since the list is published by Hubspot, there is a lot of Hubspot courses promoted on the list, but it is great information for any small business owner that is trying to elevate their marketing skills.  CLICK HERE to

We Let the Experts Manage Our WordPress Security and So Should You

hands-typingSo here I go again on one of my rants.  I fume over issues for a few days and if it doesn’t go away I know it is time to take it to the blog.  I am going to chalk this one up to the old saying “You don’t know, what you don’t know.”  I am also going to blame myself for not properly educating my clients and prospective clients.

Website developers are not security experts and most website developers DO NOT manage website hosting. More importantly, they don’t manage security on a website.  It doesn’t mean

You are NOT a Graphic Designer so quit trying to be one!


My work keeps piling up today which means I really should be working on client projects right now, but I had to stop and write this blog post ASAP because I can’t take it anymore. I have to stand on my soapbox and scream out to all small business owners something very important.  Here it goes, brace yourself for disappointment: “You are NOT a graphic designer so quit trying to be one”! Read it again and remember it.

All small business owners wear multiple hats, but please take off the graphic design hat.  Just like you shouldn’t

Top Ten Internet and Social Media Tips for Small Businesses

Slide1I recently gave a presentation to a group of small business owners from the NEW (Network of Entrepreneurial Women) group.  I created the graphic above to correspond to the “Top Ten Internet and Social Media Tips for Small Businesses”.  Because some women in the group were just starting out and some were already further along in their marketing programs I decided the best way to provide value to the whole group was to think through the most common mistakes I see with my own set of clients. So, here it is…. The Top Ten

Two Important Website Design Elements: Photography and Designers

We just finished building one of our best websites yet for a local restaurant called Captain’s Quarters.


CaptainsQuartersWebsiteThe client was ecstatic about the results which made me start thinking about what made this website build so successful for us and the client.  Two important website design elements stood out on the project, great photography and designers.  First off,  a big shout out to our great designers, my partner Brad Howard and Mark Malik. The second element was all the great photography this client made available to us.  It literally took me days to sort through

The Top 5 Marketing Pitfalls for the Small Business Owners

My partner and I have been in the marketing / advertising business for several decades now and we have seen it all when it comes to small business marketing. Here are the top 5 small business marketing pitfalls we come across most often and our suggestions for avoiding them.

1. Businesses do not own their own domain name:  I have mentioned this before in previous posting but it haunts me.  I deal with at least one major domain ownership problem a month and they don’t always have a pretty outcome.  The worst one I experienced was when a client built

Top 10 Reasons Why We Use WordPress?

wordpressOver 90% of our clients are now on the WordPress website platform. I have encouraged all my clients over the last several years to move to WordPress.  It is a dynamic, user friendly system that puts control back into the hands of the clients.  I have clients that can manage their own websites updates after we built the initial website and trained them on how to make updates.  Obviously we are always here to handle the updates for clients that don’t want to be DIY pioneers, but our clients are thrilled to

Fund Raise Better By Marketing Better

Fundraisers can be a daunting and difficult task.  Some organizations don’t provide good marketing and sales tools to help sell the product or service which only makes it more difficult to raise funds. Whether you are parent raising funds for your kids’ schools or sports team, or you are passionate about a charitable organization, put on your creative hat and come up with something new and different.

For example, the school my kids attend has a big magazine drive each year.   The magazines are expensive and how many people actually have subscriptions to magazines anymore with the prevalence of digital media in our daily lives.  This

Another Inexpensive Marketing Campaign

I was on my way to my brother’s house for the annual 4th of July celebration with the family and as I pulled into his upper class neighborhood I noticed little American Flags in the yard of every house right beside every mailbox.  Wow, I thought, his neighborhood is so fancy that the Home Owners Association put out flags in everyone’s yard to decorate for the holiday.  As I pulled into my brother’s driveway, I looked down at the flag in his yard and noticed that it had a little 4×6 postcard attached to the flag pole which was advertising a local real estate agent